In this devotional, we will look at the question of eternal security of believers in Christ. Our passage is Romans 8:35-39. Verse 35 poses the question, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" and gives a list of things we may think will separate us from His love. What do you think could separate us from the love of Christ? Could it be troubles, persecution, dangers, poverty, or war?
Verse 36 makes a reference to Psalm 44:22, we are killed all day for His sake and are as sheep ready for the slaughter. I know this seems like a terrible thing; however, I would like to point out the slaughtered Lamb in Revelation 5:6, Jesus Christ. We should be honored to be like Him.
Verse 37 reminds us that through Him, we are more than conquerors and are victorious over death, I Corinthians 15:57. The last verses, verses 38-39 answers our question of eternal security. Nothing and no one can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. He is the final authority and our salvation is in Him by Him and through Him and Him alone.
Take time this week to praise God for not only saving you, but for His eternal security.
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