
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Keep Going, It is Worth It

I John 5, Revelation 2, 3

In the first part of I John 5:1, we read a statement every man, woman and child must know. If you put your complete trust in Jesus Christ, believe that He is God's Son Who died on the cross for our sins, was buried and raised again on the third day, you will be saved!

5:2 - We show that we love God when we love other believers. Every blood bought, born again child of God is my brother or sister and if I love God, I will love them. Think about it. We are going to be together for eternity.

5:3 - If we truly love God, then we will obey Him. How can we obey God, if we don't read His Word? (Psalm 119:11) - Thy word have I hid in my heart... The Word of God helps us to obey Him.

5:4, 5 - Through faith in Jesus Christ we will overcome the world.

Here are a few verses that show God's promises to us as overcomers.

Revelation 2:11 - No Second Death

Revelation 2:17 - New Name

Revelation 2:26-29 - We will reign with Him over our enemies

Revelation 3:5 - New clothes which speak of purity, my name is written in the Book of Life

Revelation 3:12 - New Jerusalem, continuously in God's presence

Revelation 3: 21 - Sit on the throne with God

Praise God for His grace and being true to His Word! It will be worth it all, when we see Him.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Exodus 3:14

In this chapter, Moses is called by God to lead the children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt, better known as the Exodus. In verse 11, Moses says "who am I"? He recognizes that he has no authority in and of himself; however, he fails to recognize who God is.

God gives Moses the authority to lead Israel when He says, "I AM THAT I AM and tell them I AM hath sent you". God being the "I AM" means that He is self sufficient. God does not depend on anyone for anything, He is.

Many of us are just like Moses in chapter 11 wondering "Who am I?" Instead of asking who we are, we should acknowledge who God is and come to the realization that whatever we are is because of Him.

God is the "I AM" and He is all we need.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

When Counting the Cost, His Grace is Sufficient

Matthew 16:25-26

In Romans 6:23, we understand that Salvation is a free gift. Then, in Romans 10:9, if we believe in Jesus Christ with all our being, we will be saved. So... what's next??? Do we experience a perfect life of peace and tranquility until His return?

Here in Matthew 16:25-26, Jesus explains that following Him will cost us.

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

This principle remains constant throughout the entire Bible. Remember the widow in the Old Testament who gave her last and put God first? What about the Apostle Paul in the New Testament who served God despite loss of family, poverty, beatings and imprisonment?

What did Job say in Job 13:15? "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him."

The question is, are you willing to count the cost? Will you continue to serve God when things look bad and your world seems to crumble? Do not merely determine to serve God no matter what, because that "just ain't good enough". Instead, take your eyes off your circumstances and look to Him, because He is good enough and always will be.